Wireshark Tips and Tricks: Essential Filters and Combinations for Network Investigations

Welcome to the Wireshark Tips and Tricks table! In this comprehensive reference, we present the 20 most common filters used in Wireshark, arranged in ascending order of popularity. These filters serve as invaluable tools for efficient network traffic analysis, allowing you to gain insights into various protocols and security threats. Each filter comes with essential information, including its common usage, practical applications, potential pitfalls, security implications, and additional tips to enhance your Wireshark proficiency. Whether you are a seasoned network analyst or just getting started with packet analysis, this table will be your go-to resource for mastering Wireshark filtering techniques. Let’s dive in and uncover the secrets of effective network analysis!

Wireshark’s Most Popular Filters

No.FilterCommon UsageUse CasesPitfallsSecurity Threats / InvestigationsNotes
1ip.addr == x.x.x.xHighFilter traffic by IP addressMake sure to use correct IP addressIP address filteringUseful for isolating specific hosts
2tcp.port == 80HighFilter traffic by TCP port (e.g., HTTP)Won’t capture HTTPS trafficWeb application securityUseful for analyzing web traffic
3udp.port == 53HighFilter DNS trafficMay miss DNS-over-TLS or DNS-over-HTTPSDNS securityUseful for DNS troubleshooting
4ip.src == x.x.x.xHighFilter traffic by source IP addressMay miss return trafficAnomaly detectionUseful for identifying suspicious sources
5ip.dst == x.x.x.xHighFilter traffic by destination IP addressMay miss outbound trafficNetwork scanning detectionUseful for analyzing traffic to a specific IP
6tcp.flags == 0x02HighFilter SYN packets (TCP handshakes)May miss half-open connectionsNetwork scanning detectionUseful for analyzing port scans
7httpHighFilter HTTP trafficMay miss HTTPS trafficWeb application securityUseful for web traffic analysis
8tcp.analysis.retransmissionHighFilter TCP retransmissionsMay miss out-of-order packetsNetwork troubleshootingUseful for identifying network issues
9dns.flags.response == 0HighFilter DNS queriesWon’t capture DNS responsesDNS securityUseful for DNS query analysis
10http.host == "example.com"HighFilter HTTP traffic for a specific hostnameMust use quotes for hostnameWeb application securityUseful for analyzing specific web hosts
11ip.proto == 17MediumFilter UDP trafficWon’t capture TCP or ICMP trafficVoIP securityUseful for analyzing VoIP traffic
12tcp.port == 443MediumFilter HTTPS trafficWon’t capture HTTP trafficWeb application securityUseful for analyzing secure web traffic
13tcp.analysis.duplicate_ackMediumFilter TCP duplicate ACKsMay miss other TCP issuesNetwork troubleshootingUseful for identifying TCP retransmissions
14tcp.analysis.flagsMediumFilter TCP flags (e.g., FIN, RST)May miss specific flag combinationsNetwork troubleshootingUseful for analyzing TCP control flags
15icmpMediumFilter ICMP trafficWon’t capture other protocolsNetwork troubleshootingUseful for ICMP analysis
16tcp.analysis.window_updateMediumFilter TCP window updatesMay miss other TCP issuesNetwork troubleshootingUseful for analyzing TCP window size changes
17udp.port == 161MediumFilter SNMP trafficWon’t capture SNMPv3 trafficNetwork monitoringUseful for SNMP analysis
18tcp.flags.reset == 1MediumFilter TCP RST packetsMay miss other TCP issuesNetwork troubleshootingUseful for detecting connection resets
19ip.addr == x.x.x.x && httpMediumFilter HTTP traffic for a specific IP addressCombining filters with ‘&&’Network forensicsUseful for analyzing specific hosts’ web traffic
20tcp.analysis.lost_segmentMediumFilter TCP lost segmentsMay miss other TCP issuesNetwork troubleshootingUseful for identifying packet loss issues
Wireshark’s Most Popular Filters

Note: The common usage, use cases, pitfalls, security threats, and other notes provided in the table are general guidelines. The actual usage and context may vary depending on specific network environments and security requirements. Always validate and tailor the filters based on the specific needs of your analysis or investigation.

Common Combinations for Filters

Wireshark is a powerful network analysis tool that allows us to capture, inspect, and analyze network traffic. One of its key features is the ability to filter captured packets using various expressions and combinations of operator signs. In this table, we present the ten most common combinations of operator signs frequently used in Wireshark filters. These combinations enable network analysts and security professionals to create precise filters for targeted packet analysis. Each entry in the table includes the filter combination, common use cases for employing the filter, potential pitfalls to watch out for, security threats or investigations where the filter is valuable, and any additional notes to enhance understanding. By mastering these filter combinations, you will gain valuable insights into your network’s behavior, detect anomalies, and identify potential security threats more efficiently.

No.FilterCommon UsagePractical ApplicationsPitfallsSecurity ImplicationsAdditional Tips
1ip.src == && tcpFilter packets from a specific source IP and TCP onlyAnalyzing TCP traffic from a specific hostNoneN/AUse parentheses for complex expressions
2ip.dst == || icmpFilter packets to a specific subnet or ICMPMonitoring ICMP traffic or identifying communication to a subnetLogical OR may match more packetsN/AGroup multiple OR conditions with parentheses
3tcp.port == 80 || tcp.port == 443Filter packets on specific TCP portsCapturing HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) trafficLogical OR may match more packetsN/AUse in operator for port ranges
4ip.src == && tcp.port > 1024Filter packets from a specific IP and high portsInvestigating communication from a host to high-numbered portsIncorrect port range may be usedN/ACombine with || for a wider range
5tcp.flags.syn == 1 && tcp.flags.ack == 0Filter SYN-only packetsIdentifying TCP handshakes without ACK responsesMay not capture all handshakesIdentifying potential port scanning or reconnaissanceCombine with other filters for context
6ip.addr == && dns.qry.name contains "example"Filter DNS queries from a specific IP with a specific domain nameMonitoring DNS traffic from a specific host to a domainCase sensitivity in domain matchingDetecting DNS tunneling or suspicious domain lookupsUse dns.qry.name matches for regex matching
7tcp.port == 22 && !(ssh)Filter SSH packets but exclude SSH protocolCapturing SSH traffic while excluding SSH protocol trafficLogical NOT may exclude desired packetsN/ABe cautious with complex negation
8tcp.analysis.retransmission && tcp.len > 0Filter retransmitted packets with payloadIdentifying TCP retransmissions with non-zero payloadMay not capture all retransmissionsN/ACombine with tcp.len == 0 for full analysis
9http.response.code == 200 && http.content_type == "text/html"Filter HTTP responses with a 200 status code and “text/html” content typeAnalyzing successful HTTP responses with HTML contentCase sensitivity in content typeN/AUse http.content_type contains for partial matches
10ip.addr == && tcp.flags.fin == 1 && tcp.len == 0Filter TCP FIN-only packetsIdentifying TCP connections terminated with FIN-only packetsMay not capture all FIN packetsIdentifying potential stealthy network activitiesCombine with other filters for context
Common Combinations for Filters

Note: The table above presents the filters in their Wireshark syntax format and provides practical use cases for each combination. Remember to adjust the IP addresses, port numbers, and other filter parameters as needed for your specific analysis. Always validate and test your filters to ensure accurate results.

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